He left me there
Bling time!
I think I'm kinda addicted to blinking my gadget,
Hot pink swaroski !
Here is the artistic close-up shot of crystals
And you need a good glue to
I'm using this Deco glue, powerful though. Sorry for my unpolished nails
You need a piece of paper to put on your crystal, a tweezers and a towel
One hour.
Two hour.
.I'm here now presenting to you:
My new blinked Sony WX1
Mad chio and blink, isn't it :D
I didn't bring my other camera to snap my WX1, so
Photos testing time!
Non-flash photos never be blur . It's just super natural , ok! Even though, I was on the bus, moving while i snapped this shot. Super duper awesome!
Another shot of moving objection . You can never see the blurriness on the photo
The macro test shot! This is my most favourite !
Do you guys agree with me that shooting photos in the dark is extremely difficult for a normal tiny compact camera? You need a flash, but sometimes a flash either gives you a very harsh photo or it's not effective at all which makes you very pissed.
I was pissed off many times i wanted to take dark landscape photo. It turned out so blur and dark still . So this time i wanted to test my new camera. And here you go!

A super dark shot WITHOUT flash. Can you even see the cloud on the sky? It's real clouds, excuse me!
Sony WX1 has a shooting mode for FOOD too!!! So i tried anyway, since some people said i didn't shot any photos of food in my blog. Here you go!

Not food, but food menu. That's sushi!
The camera even has the PET SHOOTING MODE. Wtf! Lolz...Shooting pet is usually difficult too coz they dont know how to pose and like to jump around. That's what this mode is made for. So if you have dog, cat, rat, snake, cockroach, flea, tick, pig, etc...just snap them off.
Now, here are the most awesome function of this camera.
It include UNDERWATER Shooting mode. Omfg! I was so mad love when i discover this. *Ofcourse the sales man didn't tell me so.
I always love shooting underwater and this tiny camera even has recording movie underwater. Die die, hahahhaa...This gonna go with me to Phuket for sure!!! Wheeeee
Not just that! There is one more incredible thing about this camera! Look at this photo:

What is that man? It's PANORAMA shooting!!!!
When the salesman demonstrated to me this function I was totally stunned.
Speechless! I knew I was sold.
I wanted to take a look at the camera at first. But after his effort of showing me so many different things, I decided to buy a camera immediately. How could not I???
He even gave me extra PINK pouch besides the original one. and 8GB memory card
Couldn't tell you how much excited i was and i was twittering like crazy along the way home.
Movie shooting could never be better. It's so clear, clean and good lighting. Show you the vids later.

Landed after 1 hour. Babe picked me up! Couldn't wait to camwhore with him with my new camera.

Kailan with different types of mushroom. Made in Malaysia!
Tepanyaki slice beef! Made in Singapore :D
Both are yummy
Random photoshot.
At sushi restaurant with Daryl after our photoshot!
Testing my camera zoom lens. Pre-blinked period!
On the airplane, waiting for departing.
Looks like i have my own private jet? lolz
Another self-portrait!
You have no idea how much photoshop i have to work on skin beautifying on my previous photos taken by my previous compact cam. But with SonyWX1, i didn't even do a single work. Soft-skin mode is great!
Kong& Meng's wedding dinner 16th Jan!
Cam-whoring on the go! I dont know why my skin turned out to be so fair in the photos,lolz
Me, babe and the lucky groom of the night!
Me and my boy- Daryl. Our duty for that night was to give a best dance performance to the groom and bride!
Puiwan, MeiYee and Me. They were kinda surprised seeing me. I wasn't :D
Another couple shot! Bought for babe a new shirt in Orchard! He looked so mad happy and funny too, hahahha
Our table! I love Panorama, hahaha
Back stage photo before performance started!
One more!!!
Random: Babe's wine collection at home mini-bar

Random: Kitchen! White-grey color makes it look so clean. I feel like cooking when i enter the kitchen, lolz :D
What's a long post entry ever, lolz... I guess, that's enough to show you how awesome my camera is. I'm gonna try to take more clearer photos for you guys to see, i promise. No shitty, no blurry, no shady photos given.
So bloody excited!
Gotta back to pack my stuffs right now. I haven't packed anything yet and for God's sake, my flight is at 10pm tonite.
I shall blog at the airport later then. Maybe :D
P/s: For those who are curious. Total of big crystals on my fone are 348 pieces (not including the super tiny one around the lens). Total cost:
Camera: S$599
Crystal: S$100
Glue: S$3++
Tweezers: S$2++
So you sum it up!!!