Am trying my best to get the update on my blog as promised but the stupid internet connection got me pissed off. *pfffff...
No matter what, i still try to update my blog today even though it's freaking 3.45 am NOW and I'm updating my blog by my BLACKBERRY!
How cool!
Cut it short, I've been busy for the whole week with so many different unnamed things: meeting with new people, events, shooting, dancing, castings, bla bla bla...And the most outstanding job I did was having a shoot with Channel5 for a TV show called:

Dont be surprised and ask me "What type of sport are u doing?"- I'm doing a sport too! It's called:
No joke! My type of dancing is
NOT pole dancing, belly dance, neither dirty dancing (those girls wear extremely less cloths and only know how to roll their bodies, squeeze the ass or boobs). It's one kinda sport which is recognized in SEAgames, Olympic Games, Asian Indoor Games, etc...
I haven't had the video with me yet coz the show is not even broadcasted. But it will be on
So Singapore blogders, twitters, fans and friends, catch me
on Channel5 in the show
Sport@Singapore at 10pm TODAY 5th Feb. Am so unlucky that I won't be able to watch myself on TV, so u guys gonna watch it and let me know what u think. I wanted to upload some photos behind scenes here but Blackberry doesn't support that. Well! Post up the entry first, edit later. Sorry if the format isn't nice to read but I am trying best though and hello! It's freaking 5am now!!!
Here are some of the photos behind scenes:
That must be Rumba posing
The pose is nice but it looks weird from this angle, lolz
Camera, lighting, action!
For non-Singaporean friends, I'll get the video and upload here later once I get it. So stay stunned~