Yo! Happy New Year everyone!
Wish you all to have an excellent and successful year ahead.
I'm writing this blog entry at sharp 12am 1st Jan 2010 (Lunar Calendar)! Thank God there is wifi at my housing area :D
Super noisy out there coz there are fire crackers outside and firework above my head. I wish i could snap a photo or record a vid to show u.
But I'm not able to do so coz it's so bloody cold here, omg, my hands are freezing while typing this with all bare fingers. Gonna finish it quickly!
Been doing nothing besides eating, sleeping, shopping and...eating again, I'm so damn freaking scared that I will gain weight rapidly. I'm trying to control myself from eating but it's soooo difficult. All home foods are super yums and inviting.
Here they are!!!

The MUST Have traditional food in New Year! Sticky rice pancake! We call it "Banh chung" wrapped by many phrynium leaves
You gotta peel off one leaf by one leaf to see the inside:
So green!
and green some more! Coriander, how many you want? :D
Shopping time!

I'm ready for it! Leather jacket bought in This Fashion (S$49.90). Mad love! So stylish and warm!
Cant go out without a gloves
and my fav pink woolen hat
Momo was the one who pulled me out of the house for shopping: clothing, foods, accessories, etc...Things are mad cheap compare to the similar ones in Singapore.
You could be sunk inside those shoes. So many different styles and cheap!
It was on 11th Feb and the weather was still hot, that's why i wore short sleeves in case you are wondering.
Here, they dont call it "Mc.Donald" they call "Lotteria" which i dont know why :D
Still have many photos to share, but i might post it up later after CNY perhaps. Editting and photoshopping takes damn long time lah. So mad lazy you know!
Anyway, make it short:
Oh yah, and Happy Valentines to all too! I dont intend to talk much about Valentine here but it will be written in another episode.
Now, am here sending to you the spring symbol as a best wish
Real peach flower in my house!