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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.


The traveling season is here! Even if you don't travel anywhere during this Christmas or New Year's (like me), there are many long weekends next year, waiting for you ahead. Like many people, I love everything about traveling except for packing. It's more fun thinking about the journey than worrying about what to and what not to bring. I used to be a real-life example of someone who always packed many redundant things and forgot the most basic necessity. Over time, I got better when I traveled and never left any important item at home. The secret is simple: have a checklist whenever you start packing.

Besides check-in luggage, a carry-on luggage is the most important thing to me. I lost my check-in luggage before when I flew to Vietnam (I blogged about it here). The only thing I had left with me was my carry-on luggage when I arrived at the destination. I survived the trip with just that luggage.

Want to know what are the must-have items inside my luggage? Here is a list for you! 

Tech Gadgets

Comfort and Apparel
Mango Long Wool Cardigan- An expensive version here


Bags and Accessories

What do you bring in your carry-on luggage? Please share with me in the comments section below.
Bon Voyage if you are traveling and Happy packing if you are planning to go on a trip. 
Thank you so much for reading! 

Crystal Phuong
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