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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.


Crystal Phuong- Singapore Fashion Blog- The golden hour

Although many people know me as a strong, determined and no-nonsense type of girl, very few actually know I'm quite a soft- hearted and an emotional person from the inside. I got upset easily and took a long term to get over it in the past. I never like yelling at people or getting involved in any conflicts or dramas. I used to be bullied in high school, at work and cheated in life. Living alone in a foreign country for many years has taught me to be independent and strong to survive. I would hide my weakness and insecurity away from people and try to act that I was fine. I would never cry in front of people no matter how much I hurt. Living a life that way made me so tired and feel like giving up many times. 

Years later, I learned that feeling insecure and weak is fine, and I don't have to hide my emotions. The moment I started to let go, I began to enjoy my life, every bit of it. I have freedom to express myself, to do what I love, and to be the woman I want to be. I can be a business woman at day, a rock chic at night, and a preppy school girl once a while. But I'm pretty sure, a sweet looking girl like this, in a chiffon midi skirt, off-shoulder lace top with a floral crown on my head, is something that you have never seen before. You might find this off-shoulder lace dress that I wore as a top familiar from this blog post, but that's about all. 

What was the inspiration behind this fragile and dreamy outfit? I actually don't know. Perhaps the golden hour when the sun was about to set has evoked the femininity in me. I just wanted to show you the soft and emotional side of me. You happen to be one of the few lucky people who have seen it. 

What are your thoughts?

Crystal Phuong- Singapore Fashion Blog- Glowing in the golden hour

Crystal Phuong- Singapore Fashion Blog- Dreamy in floral crown and off-shoulder lace top

Crystal Phuong- Singapore Fashion Blog- Sweet look with chiffon midi skirt, off shoulder lace top and floral crown

Crystal Phuong- Singapore Fashion Blog- Dreaming in the golden hour

Crystal Phuong- Singapore Fashion Blog- Lost in the golden hour

Crystal Phuong- Singapore Fashion Blog- Beautiful pink midi chiffon skirt

Crystal Phuong- Singapore Fashion Blog- Aldo PVC Pointy Pumps

Crystal Phuong- Singapore Fashion Blog- Beautiful portrait in the golden hour

Crystal Phuong- Singapore Fashion Blog- Looking sweet in the golden hour.

Thank you so much for reading!

Photos by: Evelyn Lee

Lace off-shoulder dress- worn as top- Thanks to Princessa
Vintage chiffon midi skirt- Similar here and here
Aldo PVC pumps- Similar here. Currently obsessed with this one
H&M Floral headband- Similar here

Crystal Phuong
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