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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.


It was such a long time (almost a year) since my first bikini contest at Singapore Import Night 2009, now only I joined the second bikini contest. Receiving an email from the organizer one month before the contest date, I didn't apply until the last submission date as I wasn't sure if I would take part. Half yes, half no. 

Honestly, I felt lazy and reluctant in joining such contest. Not because I don't have any confidence in myself, just we all knew the winner had most probably been pre-selected which we called it "politic issue" *sigh*. However, no doubt, the fun, the joy, the networking, the girl-ish moments were there among the contestants themselves.

All of my Se7en1nch girls joined too, hence I decided to send my submission email at last without any hope of winning -_-. I know where I'm standing and what I'm good at, that's good enough for me. I joined just for fun.

And YES, I had really great time with my friends at Wave House, Sentosa yesterday!!!!!!!!!! 

I and Keef had a little argument in the morning but we managed to settle the problem positively, sweetly, lovingly as usual before I went to work. *wink*. I'd been thinking past few days about how to talk to him about this event, whether he would encourage me to join or he would not like it. To my surprise, after we ended our cold-war, he agreed to go to support me. So damn touched and happy, I swear!
We headed down to Sentosa at 3pm when the sun shined like mad. My self-make up almost wanted to melt out on the way.

I thought I was late but when i arrived none of my girls was there yet, gotta wait for them! Many other contestants were waiting there, WaveHouse staffs were running around on duty, hot boys, girls in their swimsuits, bikini were either wave surfing or sun tanning. Crowded!

We were having some beers and...looking at people, lolz! Half an hour later, the girls arrived and we started our...

I and Keef
With this kinda quality, seriously my iPhone4 makes other killer DSLR cameras used by some so-called photographers die of shame. It's either the camera is suck or the photographer is damn lousy.

I, Christina, Wyn (our supporter), Rebecca.

Rebecca and I.
And now, 
contest time!!!!

We started up with catwalk session. I'm a pro at that haahaha...Used to cat-walking when i was 5 at...home :D after every dinner just to entertain mom and dad. And now, I'm on a real stage!

 Walk to the left

and walk to the right. 

Interviewed by Vernon (Muttons on the Move), the two DJ from 987fm who also hosted the 987fm turns 21 party which i attended last 2 months.

They asked me such a weird questions and I got stuck in finding the answer right on the spot. My questions were:

"On the freaking hot day like today, I will you do to cool yourself down"
I: *huh?* "Errh, most probably I will go swimming since I'm at beach now, having some drinks with friends and chilling out"
"How do you swim?"
I: Awww, I dont really how to swim well, so I will just (showing some actions)
"No, no I meant what will wear to swim"
I: Topless!
"Hah? Here, in this beach"
I: Depends, maybe a private beach *laugh*

That's all my Q&A session, sounds stupid, doesn't it? When I heard the question, I really didn't know what to say so I just answered randomly.
Look at my face when I heard the question from the MC. WHAHAAAAAA!!!!

I regretted not to answer "Probably I will get my favorite drink called "Duck My Sick" and go topless sun tanning". Purpose is to advertise for Se7en1nch bar's special drink *wink*

And that was the only thing we gotta do on stage besides posing untiringly for photoshoot.

 Posing at the banner!

 Photo by xinmsn.com. 

From one random photographer I found on facebook. 

Waiting for my catwalking turn! Tucking in your tummy all the time is a MUST. :D

Waiting for Top 10 announcement. 

All the contestants that day! 

I wasn't in Top10 as what I expected earlier :D but my girls did! Rebecca and Felicia got into Final FHM Top10. I'm so proud and happy for both!

Anyway, it was still a good and fun time i had. By joining such event like that, I actually gained more than I lost: the confident level in speaking in front of the crowd, presenting yourself in public, meeting new people,  new friendship, etc...It was all good! 

Who knows you might see me somewhere in any coming contest??? ;) 
That fun party has added something happening in my weekend. I'm ready to kick start a new week. Have a great week everyone! xoxoxo
Crystal Phuong
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