Gone are the days where a handbag was only used to carry stuff. The only requirement of a bag that most people looked for was its size. The bigger, the better. Design, colors or even craftsmanship were not important.
Nowadays, a handbag is no longer treated as a carrier bag. It's an accessory, a personality, an investment, and to some people, a handbag is a friend with us through many years of ups and downs. I believe there is not one handbag for every outfit, every occasion, and there will never be. As much as brands and designers love spoiling us with many choices, we (women) love spoiling ourselves too. And so very often, we find ourselves frustrated, overwhelmed, and overly-excited at the situation of not knowing which bag we should buy (because we want to buy all of them). That happens to me all the time, and I'm sure it happens to you too.
Let make things simple by going back to the basics. I've shortlisted the most essential bags that everyone must have in their closet: shoulder bags, cross body bags, and tote bags. Thanks Shopbop for such an extensive range, speedy service and free worldwide shipping, I had my favorite shoulder bag delivered to me within 3 days. Guess which one?
Now that I have my bag, it's time to shop for yours!
Which one would you pick from the list above?
Do you have a favorite bag? Or do you have handbag shopping tips to share? I'd love to know, please share with me in the comment section below.
Thank you so much for reading!
P/s: CrystalPhuong.net occasionally receives Shopbop sponsorships for mentioning their
products in this blog entry.
P/s: CrystalPhuong.net occasionally receives Shopbop sponsorships for mentioning their
products in this blog entry.