I used to think a work handbag doesn't have to be expensive. It just needs to be practical. Because a work handbag is worn on a daily basis, it can be damaged easily. That's why my budget for a bag was always below $100. I like work bags that are big so that I can put a lot of my items in, laptop, charger, make-up pouch, diary, handphone, emergency sewing kit, and sometimes, a DSLR camera. But that also means they can hurt my shoulders over the long term as the more stuff I have, the heavier my bag becomes. Besides, they don't have a great support for my shoulders.
That was my story 5 years ago.
Today, instead of buying 10 different handbags for $40- $50 each, I started saving money and buying an investment bag because I do believe quality always comes with prices. This Proenza Schouler handbag is the first one I bought. I can still remember how happy I was when I first got it. I was so addicted to the leather smell that I had to smell my bag every day. It's weird, I know. Only after I started using some good handbags, I realized why every woman is always crazy about them.
Whenever I choose a handbag for work, I'll always look for a few things: structure, space, and compartments. I like my bag to be spacious with many compartments so I can put many things inside and they are still organized. A structured handbag with clean lines and distinct shape always makes me look (and feel) professional and sharp. When it comes to bag sizes, I'll usually pick handbags that are 14"- 15" width maximum as they are proportional with my petite frame (I'm 5"3). I think it's important to know what bag size fits you so that it neither looks too overwhelming (when it's too big) nor inappropriate for work (when it's too small). Black, brown, dark blue, and white are the most common colors for work bags, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun with attractive colors like red, yellow, or pink.
Because this is our everyday bag, I'd strongly recommend you to invest in a good one. A good bag will not only help to carry your stuff, but also make you feel fabulous and confident every time. I have selected my most favorite 10 work bags (ranging from $200- $5000), have a look.
My striking neon Saint Laurent Sac de Jour baby
3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli handbag in vibrant blue. I sold this bag as it was a bit big for me and I got the purple one instead.
Thank you so much for reading!
Shop for your dream bag here!
Shop for your dream bag here!