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About Me

About Me
CrystalPhuong.net is a Personal Style & Travel Blog based in Singapore, written by Crystal Phuong. The blog was nominated FOUR times in Top 10 Best Fashion Blogs in the annual Singapore Blog Award from 2012- 2015, voted as one of the Best Lifestyle Blogs in Singapore in 2013 by Hotelclub.com, and Best Travel Blogs in 2016 by Foodpanda.com. Crystal hopes to connect and inspire young women to lead a healthy and happy life. Be confident, be positive, and be kind.
Showing posts with label sponsored trips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sponsored trips. Show all posts
HongKong trip- day 3

HongKong trip- day 3

Read my blog entry about Day 1, Day 2 if you have not before you continue reading this entry.

So I'm flying to Los Angeles tomorrow like super early 7am and now (12am) I'm still sticking my ass on the chair to write blog.  Such a bloggerolic

Also because I might not have chance/ time to blog during my trip and that means my blog is gonna be super quiet for 14 days. That is why I'm now making a HUGE effort to blog before I go off *dedication*

Back to the trip!

Evening of day 2, after a rapid shopping at the Industrial Wholesales Center, I went back hotel, quickly changed and headed to a must-go- tourist attraction: Victoria Peak!

Victoria Peak is considered the highest point within  Hong Kong and occupies the western part of the island. It's 554 meters (1,817.6 feet) about sea level. We went all the way up to the Sky Terrace 428. It's the highest viewing platform in Hongkong offering a stunning 360 degree panoramic view across the HongKong 

Presenting to you, the beautiful spectacular view of Hongkong at night! 

Simply breathtaking! 

At the same time, my teeth impinged continously because of the strong and cold wind kept blowing non-stop. It was really cold at night! There were many tourists too standing and taking photos, one next to the other. 

Me with the Peak but unfortunately the Peak can't be seen in the photo :D

Compensate you the other one!

Nothing much I could do there besides taking photos, and it was freezing so I quickly went down to take some photos at the red carpet with some famous celebrities :D

With Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt at their movie premier in Hollywood!

*just kidding* HAHAAHAHAHAHA

Gues where I was at? 

Madame Tussauds Hong Kong 

A freaking awesome museum exhibiting the wax likenesses of world famous people in many different areas: Hong Kong Glamour, Music Icons, Historical and National Heroes, World Leader and The Champion. 

 Pretty Taiwanese actress, singer Barbie Hsu 

HongKong famous actress: Cecilia Cheong! 

Hong Kong R&B singer, Janice Vidal

Who is the fan of Team Edward? 

Say Hi to Madame Tussauds the one who opened this Madame Tussauds 200 years ago. She is so small, smaller than me yet so super talented and brilliant. RESPECT! 

Touching the wise man's hand Mahatma Gandhi so that I have some of his wisdom :D. He is also well known as famous Indian freedom fighter. 

Albert Einstein- with his significant hairstyle without any effort. Nowadays, boys need a lot of hair gels, mouse to create this hair style. Is it that difficult?

with Johny Deep- He is simply awesome actor, I like all of his movies

 Wooohoo! Lady Gaga is here too! Why is she so short? Is that her real height?

There are many other figures, celebrities, world leaders wax statues around but I couldn't take photo of all of them, plus not all I like so I didn't take. Best is you should go there and experience yourself. It's pretty fun to see all your favorite celebrities standing still and you can "molest" them as much as you want :D

I left The Peak and went to the most exciting place ever: NIGHT MARKET! *Woots*

Every single country I've been to, I always look forward to visit their night market (if any). It's just so fun to shop in huge open-air space, lot of stuffs with many colors, styles, sizes, plus prices are damn cheap. I can never get enough of it. I shopped from 10pm to 2-3am and overall, I bought 10- 15 items and most of them are to give away. Lost the photos I took of the things i bought so can't share with you here -_-

Gonna share with you some photos of the Night market

Super colorful, bright and chaos market. It seems the most popular night market in Hongkong coz I saw there were many tourists there...like us :D

And guess what? Shopping is never enough. The next morning (last day), we went down to the market again. It means, this should be called 20hours market since they open from day til night. :D

The shoppaholics gang got ready with big & small empty bags to fill them up. From left: Fiona, Liya, Sharon, me, Joey, James

and Vivian (next to Fiona) joined the group.

Having yummy breakfast in the restaurant near by our hotel. 

Happy people :)

HongKong street in the morning. Look at what I found here!!!

Vietnamese restaurant!!!!!

So happy to see familiar thing in other country 

Food stall along the street! 

Smelly taufu. I literally got stunned when I smelled this, my God! So smelly! I know smell foods do taste good sometimes but this smelly taufu is beyond my imagination. 

The street is crowded even though it's early in the morning. 

Cam-whoring with Fiona! 

one more

and three of us: James is such a lucky man. 

Me and my early in the morning face.

Took a candid photo of this couple. What were they trying to do???

I knew it.

Fiona and me again. 

Last pic of Hongkong before saying goodbye. I miss this place >.<

It was such a memorable and fun trip and I simply love HongKong. I will definitely come back again, not sure when yet but hopefully see you real soon! 

P/s: OMFG! I only have 3 more hours to sleep before heading down to airport. FML!
Btw, happy holiday everyone! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Will blog more when I return from US but if you wanna check it out what I'm up to there, simply follow me on twitter @ncrystalicious. See ya!
Crystal Phuong

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Hong Kong trip- day 2

Hong Kong trip- day 2

Read an entry about Hong Kong trip day 1 here.

Let's me start the second day in Hongkong by a bright and sunny morning. So, after a heavy drinking night until 6am in the morning, all of us (except me because i didn't drink much) were totally knocked off. We set 11am for breakfast but none of them could make it, I was still the most punctual one, came down to the lobby at 11am sharp while the rest was still sleeping. Couldn't want to wait for them any longer, I decided to walk around and to find something to eat.

Here are some of very simply shots I took along the way

11am on Saturday seemed still early for Hongkong, the street was still very quiet. 

One photo for our hotel.

Beautiful weather in the weekend. The only problem: it was too hot. 

HongKong busses. 

The most comfortable shoes ever with crystal :D

Hotel lobby! Nice and clean

Now, the hotel looks even better with a model in it, hehehe. 

I can imagine business in Hongkong is very competitive. You can tell from all the advertisement stickers fighting for their space on the wall

Walking to HongKong Statue Square by chance, it's so peaceful and clean. Many tourists were around that time too and taking photos. 

Sir Thomas Jackson statue, I found his name on Google so don't blame me if Im wrong

Me and my self-camwhoring skill :D

Didn't I say it's beautiful earlier? I did. 

Branded shops are every where. But we weren't looking for branded stuffs, we looked for a famous dim sum restaurant that was recommended by many people.  

And from the Statue Square, we walked acrossed the street, crossed this beautiful bridge

stood there for a while for a photo, enjoyed the wind and continued walking to the other side  

It was another shopping mall again, not huge but big enough to make us confused.

and we passed by HongKong General Post Office.

went to the other building opposite General Post Office

walked down to another MTR entrance which I didn't know what MTR it was because I couldn't see the name

but I saw a damn super tall building in the middle of no where. I stopped to snap a candid photo, it turned up like that. 

And we kept walking around and around, even passed by a ROM (Registered of Marriage) hall, many couple were registering their marriage, went through a port and slowly we found...

this place (after more than 1 hour walking under hot sun)

What on earth were these people doing here at this hour (12 noon)?

They were actually queuing for the restaurant to open. The foods must be damn good, I bet. I actually wanted to give up half way because of the heat, long hour walking and I was hungry, I was thinking "WTF! Just a dim sum, almost every restaurants has, why should I"

But at the end of the meal, I thought "Seriously! Worth my walking, sweating and waiting time"

We were lucky enough to have our table right after entering the restaurant

While waiting for the foods and there are 2 things I usually do: checking my phone or taking my photos, lolz. *bad habit*

Fresh flowers for a brand new day

Fried pork bun. Super yummy to the max.

Fried tauhu, I guess?

Woots! My favorite dish: chicken claws. Seriously! I have been trying chicken claws at many different restaurants in Singapore and Malaysia, but this was probably still the best dish I've ever tried. 





I ate them all :D and when since I came back Singapore, I am still missing the foods there. :( Sad to say, some Hongkong restaurants here can't bring the same quality/ standard of the foods there :(

After eating so much like a pig, I have no energy or ability to walk back all the way. I decided to get a train since it's just right underground

By the time I finished my brunch, it was almost 2pm, my drunken friends have just started their day. They called me and I caught up with them at Harbour City.

Breathtaking view.

artistic graffiti on the wall. 

Does it photo remind you of HongKong in 1997? :D

We stayed in Harbour city for a short while as I didn't intend to shop for some branded stuffs in Hongkong because to me everywhere is the same. I find myself enjoying more in Street Market, that's when you see the real life of a city.

On the way back hotel, I, Liya and Joey decided to visit one of the wholesales shopping center at Lai Chi Kok. That was my most looking forward thing to do in here

From left to right: Liya, Joey and me at HongKong Fashion City within HongKong Industrial Center.

Took a candid shot of Liya with the colorful signboard :D

I was disappointed when I first stepped in because It's appeared to be so quiet and not happening at all. What could I buy here? 

The moment I stepped inside. WOW! I got lost! Super damn chaos, crowded and huge. 

Many blink and pink stuffs are here too. Heaven! <3

Definitely loved this place! But too bad, I could only do a rapid shopping (2hours) coz I had to go to Victoria Peak at night. Nevertheless, I managed to bring back home 5 pieces of top and dresses. Talk about shopping power! 

One of my best buy items is:

Shoes for my nephew- Baby East! How cute and adorable :D

also a panda for him. 

 and a Crystal iPhone casing for me. :D Super blink 

That's how I spent my 2nd day in  HongKong, rushing but very full-filing and happy. Stay tuned for the day 3 and guess what did I do on the last day in HongKong? I'll reveal soon.
Crystal Phuong

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